Results for 'Jeffry L. Dudycha'

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  1.  44
    Research Ethics.Jeffry L. Dudycha - 2012 - Teaching Ethics 12 (2):87-93.
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    Towards an Expanded Epistemology for Approximations.Jeffry L. Ramsey - 1992 - PSA: Proceedings of the Biennial Meeting of the Philosophy of Science Association 1992:154 - 164.
    By stressing the act rather than the relation of approximation, I argue that the magnitude of the error introduced should not be used as the sole criterion for judging the worth of the approximation. Magnitude is a necessary but not sufficient condition for such a judgement. Controllability, the absence of cancelling errors, and the approximation's justification are also important criteria to consider when praising or blaming an approximation. Boltzmann's discussion of the types of approximations used in the kinetic theory of (...)
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    (1 other version)Beyond Numerical and Causal Accuracy: Expanding the Set of Justificational Criteria.Jeffry L. Ramsey - 1990 - PSA: Proceedings of the Biennial Meeting of the Philosophy of Science Association 1990:485 - 499.
    I argue that numerical and causal accuracy arguments can be successful only if: (1) the theories in use are known to be true, (2) computational difficulties do not exist, and (3) the experimental data are stable and resolved. When any one or more of these assumptions are not satisfied, additional justificational considerations must be invoked. I illustrate the need for range of validity and intelligibility claims with examples drawn from chemical kinetics. My arguments suggest that the realist and anti-realist accounts (...)
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  4.  44
    Reverse mathematics of separably closed sets.Jeffry L. Hirst - 2006 - Archive for Mathematical Logic 45 (1):1-2.
    This paper contains a corrected proof that the statement “every non-empty closed subset of a compact complete separable metric space is separably closed” implies the arithmetical comprehension axiom of reverse mathematics.
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    Reverse mathematics and ordinal exponentiation.Jeffry L. Hirst - 1994 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 66 (1):1-18.
    Simpson has claimed that “ATR0 is the weakest set of axioms which permits the development of a decent theory of countable ordinals” [8]. This paper provides empirical support for Simpson's claim. In particular, Cantor's Normal Form Theorem and Sherman's Inequality for countable well-orderings are both equivalent to ATR0. The proofs of these results require a substantial development of ordinal exponentiation and a strengthening of the comparability result in [3].
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  6.  50
    Hegel's philosophy of nature.Jeffry L. Ramsey - 2001 - Foundations of Chemistry 3 (3):263-268.
  7.  29
    Minima of initial segments of infinite sequences of reals.Jeffry L. Hirst - 2004 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 50 (1):47-50.
    Suppose that 〈xk〉k∈ℕ is a countable sequence of real numbers. Working in the usual subsystems for reverse mathematics, RCA0 suffices to prove the existence of a sequence of reals 〈uk〉k∈ℕ such that for each k, uk is the minimum of {x0, x1, …, xk}. However, if we wish to prove the existence of a sequence of integer indices of minima of initial segments of 〈xk〉k∈ℕ, the stronger subsystem WKL0 is required. Following the presentation of these reverse mathematics results, we will (...)
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  8.  40
    Realism, Essentialism, and Intrinsic Properties.Jeffry L. Ramsey & Rosenfeld Bhushan - 2000 - In Nalini Bhushan & Stuart M. Rosenfeld (eds.), Of Minds and Molecules: New Philosophical Perspectives on Chemistry. Oxford University Press. pp. 117.
  9.  46
    Reverse Mathematics and Uniformity in Proofs without Excluded Middle.Jeffry L. Hirst & Carl Mummert - 2011 - Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 52 (2):149-162.
    We show that when certain statements are provable in subsystems of constructive analysis using intuitionistic predicate calculus, related sequential statements are provable in weak classical subsystems. In particular, if a $\Pi^1_2$ sentence of a certain form is provable using E-HA ${}^\omega$ along with the axiom of choice and an independence of premise principle, the sequential form of the statement is provable in the classical system RCA. We obtain this and similar results using applications of modified realizability and the Dialectica interpretation. (...)
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  10. Construction by reduction.Jeffry L. Ramsey - 1995 - Philosophy of Science 62 (1):1-20.
    Scientists employ a variety of procedures to eliminate degrees of freedom from computationally and/or analytically intractable equations. In the process, they often construct new models and discover new concepts, laws and functional relations. I argue these procedures embody a central notion of reduction, namely, the containment of one structure within another. However, their inclusion in the philosophical concept of reduction necessitates a reevaluation of many standard assumptions about the ontological, epistemological and functional features of a reduction. On the basis of (...)
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  11.  48
    Hilbert versus Hindman.Jeffry L. Hirst - 2012 - Archive for Mathematical Logic 51 (1-2):123-125.
    We show that a statement HIL, which is motivated by a lemma of Hilbert and close in formulation to Hindman’s theorem, is actually much weaker than Hindman’s theorem. In particular, HIL is finitistically reducible in the sense of Hilbert’s program, while Hindman’s theorem is not.
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  12.  26
    Using Ramsey’s theorem once.Jeffry L. Hirst & Carl Mummert - 2019 - Archive for Mathematical Logic 58 (7-8):857-866.
    We show that \\) cannot be proved with one typical application of \\) in an intuitionistic extension of \ to higher types, but that this does not remain true when the law of the excluded middle is added. The argument uses Kohlenbach’s axiomatization of higher order reverse mathematics, results related to modified reducibility, and a formalization of Weihrauch reducibility.
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  13. Mechanisms and their explanatory challenges in organic chemistry.Jeffry L. Ramsey - 2008 - Philosophy of Science 75 (5):970-982.
    Chemists take mechanisms to be an important way of explaining chemical change. I examine the usefulness of the mechanism approach in the recent philosophical literature in explicating the explanatory use of mechanisms by organic chemists. I argue that chemists consider a mechanism to be explanatory because it accounts for the “dynamic process of bringing about” (Tabery 2004 , 10) chemical change. For chemists, mechanisms are causal explanations based on interventions that show “how some possibilities depend on others” (Woodward 2003 , (...)
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  14.  46
    Between the fundamental and the phenomenological: The challenge of 'semi-empirical' methods.Jeffry L. Ramsey - 1997 - Philosophy of Science 64 (4):627-653.
    Philosophers disagree how abstract, theoretical principles can be applied to instances. This paper generates a puzzle for law theorists, causal theorists and inductivists alike. Intractability can force scientists to use a "semi-empirical" method, in which some of an equation's theoretically-determinable parameters are replaced with values taken directly from the data. This is not a purely deductive or inductive process, nor does it involve causes and capacities in any simple way (Humphreys 1995). I argue the predictive successes of such methods require (...)
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  15.  32
    Infinite Versions of Some Problems from Finite Complexity Theory.Jeffry L. Hirst & Steffen Lempp - 1996 - Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 37 (4):545-553.
    Recently, several authors have explored the connections between NP-complete problems for finite objects and the complexity of their analogs for infinite objects. In this paper, we will categorize infinite versions of several problems arising from finite complexity theory in terms of their recursion theoretic complexity and proof theoretic strength. These infinite analogs can behave in a variety of unexpected ways.
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    Connected components of graphs and reverse mathematics.Jeffry L. Hirst - 1992 - Archive for Mathematical Logic 31 (3):183-192.
  17.  24
    Recent Work in the History and Philosophy of Chemistry.Jeffry L. Ramsey - 1998 - Perspectives on Science 6 (4):409-427.
  18.  29
    Reverse mathematics and rank functions for directed graphs.Jeffry L. Hirst - 2000 - Archive for Mathematical Logic 39 (8):569-579.
    A rank function for a directed graph G assigns elements of a well ordering to the vertices of G in a fashion that preserves the order induced by the edges. While topological sortings require a one-to-one matching of vertices and elements of the ordering, rank functions frequently must assign several vertices the same value. Theorems stating basic properties of rank functions vary significantly in logical strength. Using the techniques of reverse mathematics, we present results that require the subsystems ${\ensuremath{\vec{RCA}_0}}$ , (...)
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  19.  31
    Ideal Reaction Types and the Reactions of Real Alloys.Jeffry L. Ramsey - 1994 - PSA: Proceedings of the Biennial Meeting of the Philosophy of Science Association 1994:149 - 159.
    Research on the oxidation of alloys supports the claim that natural scientists can and do use ideal type concepts when confronted with analytical or computational intractability. In opposition to those who collapse ideal types into 'standard' theoretical concepts, I argue ideal types possess a unique structure, function and axiology. In phenomenologically complex situations, scientists use these features to articulate experiment with theory generally and in particular to discover new boundary conditions. This conceptual articulation is achieved using models rather than objective (...)
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  20.  43
    When reduction leads to construction: Design considerations in scientific methodology.Jeffry L. Ramsey - 1993 - International Studies in the Philosophy of Science 7 (3):241 – 253.
    Abstract Philosophers have paid little attention to the kind of reduction involved in transforming an analytically intractable equation into solvable form. I argue that this practice is important because it involves the design of a basic level theory for use in a specific domain. The design process can lead to the construction of a new theory. As a result of my analysis, theory design emerges as an important category of analysis for scientific methodology. Similarities between design in technology and science (...)
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  21.  82
    Molecular shape, reduction, explanation and approximate concepts.Jeffry L. Ramsey - 1997 - Synthese 111 (3):233-251.
  22.  38
    On refusing to be an epistemologically black box: Instruments in chemical kinetics during the 1920s and '30s.Jeffry L. Ramsey - 1991 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A 23 (2):283-304.
  23. On Not Defining Sustainability.Jeffry L. Ramsey - 2015 - Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics 28 (6):1075-1087.
    Definitions of sustainability—and criticisms of the definitions—abound. I argue that there are problems with the definitional approach itself and not just with any specific definition. Wittgenstein. Macmillan Publishing Company, New York, 1958) argued that definitions are not sufficient to determine meaning or to legislate correct usage of words. For both singular terms and general concepts, meaning is meaning-as-use, proceeding via examples that instruct within an already existing normative structure. Once we are clear on the ways in which use presupposes a (...)
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  24.  64
    Calibrating and constructing models of protein folding.Jeffry L. Ramsey - 2007 - Synthese 155 (3):307-320.
    Prediction is more than testing established theory by examining whether the prediction matches the data. To show this, I examine the practices of a community of scientists, known as threaders, who are attempting to predict the final, folded structure of a protein from its primary structure, i.e., its amino acid sequence. These scientists employ a careful and deliberate methodology of prediction. A key feature of the methodology is calibration. They calibrate in order to construct better models. The construction leads to (...)
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  25.  59
    Defining Sustainability.Jeffry L. Ramsey - 2014 - Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics 27 (6):1049-1054.
    Heather M. Farley and Zachary A. Smith, Sustainability: If It’s Everything, Is It Nothing? xiv + 176 pp., index. New York: Routledge, 2014. $39.95 Leslie Paul Thiele, Sustainability. viii + 234 p., bibl., index. New York: Polity Press, 2013. $22.95 The authors of both of these books offer new definitions of sustainability. They do so in order to battle “faux interpretations” or “hypocritical” or “unsupported endorsements” of sustainability. While I think many people, including I expect many readers of this journal, (...)
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  26.  33
    Reverse Mathematics and Ordinal Multiplication.Jeffry L. Hirst - 1998 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 44 (4):459-464.
    This paper uses the framework of reverse mathematics to analyze the proof theoretic content of several statements concerning multiplication of countable well-orderings. In particular, a division algorithm for ordinal arithmetic is shown to be equivalent to the subsystem ATR0.
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    Reverse mathematics and marriage problems with unique solutions.Jeffry L. Hirst & Noah A. Hughes - 2015 - Archive for Mathematical Logic 54 (1-2):49-57.
    We analyze the logical strength of theorems on marriage problems with unique solutions using the techniques of reverse mathematics, restricting our attention to problems in which each boy knows only finitely many girls. In general, these marriage theorems assert that if a marriage problem has a unique solution then there is a way to enumerate the boys so that for every m, the first m boys know exactly m girls. The strength of each theorem depends on whether the underlying marriage (...)
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  28.  59
    Hume and Same‐Sex Marriage.Jeffry L. Ramsey & Olivia O'Connor - 2017 - Journal of Social Philosophy 48 (2):180-196.
  29. The polarized Ramsey’s theorem.Damir D. Dzhafarov & Jeffry L. Hirst - 2009 - Archive for Mathematical Logic 48 (2):141-157.
    We study the effective and proof-theoretic content of the polarized Ramsey’s theorem, a variant of Ramsey’s theorem obtained by relaxing the definition of homogeneous set. Our investigation yields a new characterization of Ramsey’s theorem in all exponents, and produces several combinatorial principles which, modulo bounding for ${\Sigma^0_2}$ formulas, lie (possibly not strictly) between Ramsey’s theorem for pairs and the stable Ramsey’s theorem for pairs.
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    Derived sequences and reverse mathematics.Jeffry L. Hirst - 1993 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 39 (1):447-453.
    One of the earliest applications of transfinite numbers is in the construction of derived sequences by Cantor [2]. In [6], the existence of derived sequences for countable closed sets is proved in ATR0. This existence theorem is an intermediate step in a proof that a statement concerning topological comparability is equivalent to ATR0. In actuality, the full strength of ATR0 is used in proving the existence theorem. To show this, we will derive a statement known to be equivalent to ATR0, (...)
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    Embeddings of countable closed sets and reverse mathematics.Jeffry L. Hirst - 1993 - Archive for Mathematical Logic 32 (6):443-449.
    If there is a homeomorphic embedding of one set into another, the sets are said to be topologically comparable. Friedman and Hirst have shown that the topological comparability of countable closed subsets of the reals is equivalent to the subsystem of second order arithmetic denoted byATR 0. Here, this result is extended to countable closed locally compact subsets of arbitrary complete separable metric spaces. The extension uses an analogue of the one point compactification of ℝ.
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    Reverse mathematics of prime factorization of ordinals.Jeffry L. Hirst - 1999 - Archive for Mathematical Logic 38 (3):195-201.
    One of the earliest applications of Cantor's Normal Form Theorem is Jacobstahl's proof of the existence of prime factorizations of ordinals. Applying the techniques of reverse mathematics, we show that the full strength of the Normal Form Theorem is used in this proof.
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    Comparing the Strength of Diagonally Nonrecursive Functions in the Absence of Induction.François G. Dorais, Jeffry L. Hirst & Paul Shafer - 2015 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 80 (4):1211-1235.
    We prove that the statement “there is aksuch that for everyfthere is ak-bounded diagonally nonrecursive function relative tof” does not imply weak König’s lemma over${\rm{RC}}{{\rm{A}}_0} + {\rm{B\Sigma }}_2^0$. This answers a question posed by Simpson. A recursion-theoretic consequence is that the classic fact that everyk-bounded diagonally nonrecursive function computes a 2-bounded diagonally nonrecursive function may fail in the absence of${\rm{I\Sigma }}_2^0$.
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    U. Klein (ed.): Tools and modes of representation in the laboratory sciences. [REVIEW]Jeffry L. Ramsey - 2003 - Foundations of Chemistry 5 (1):93-97.
  35.  51
    Weak comparability of well orderings and reverse mathematics.Harvey M. Friedman & Jeffry L. Hirst - 1990 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 47 (1):11-29.
    Two countable well orderings are weakly comparable if there is an order preserving injection of one into the other. We say the well orderings are strongly comparable if the injection is an isomorphism between one ordering and an initial segment of the other. In [5], Friedman announced that the statement “any two countable well orderings are strongly comparable” is equivalent to ATR 0 . Simpson provides a detailed proof of this result in Chapter 5 of [13]. More recently, Friedman has (...)
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  36.  85
    Reverse mathematics, computability, and partitions of trees.Jennifer Chubb, Jeffry L. Hirst & Timothy H. McNicholl - 2009 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 74 (1):201-215.
    We examine the reverse mathematics and computability theory of a form of Ramsey's theorem in which the linear n-tuples of a binary tree are colored.
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  37.  48
    Straining to explain strain and synthesis.Jeffry L. Ramsey - 2004 - Foundations of Chemistry 6 (1):81-91.
  38.  53
    Reverse Mathematics and Recursive Graph Theory.William Gasarch & Jeffry L. Hirst - 1998 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 44 (4):465-473.
    We examine a number of results of infinite combinatorics using the techniques of reverse mathematics. Our results are inspired by similar results in recursive combinatorics. Theorems included concern colorings of graphs and bounded graphs, Euler paths, and Hamilton paths.
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  39.  57
    Joachim Schummer, realismus und chemie: Philosophische untersuchungen der wissenschaft Von den stoffen. [REVIEW]Jeffry L. Ramsey - 2000 - Foundations of Chemistry 2 (1):79-84.
  40.  78
    Partitions of trees and $${{\sf ACA}^\prime_{0}}$$.Bernard A. Anderson & Jeffry L. Hirst - 2009 - Archive for Mathematical Logic 48 (3-4):227-230.
    We show that a version of Ramsey’s theorem for trees for arbitrary exponents is equivalent to the subsystem ${{\sf ACA}^\prime_{0}}$ of reverse mathematics.
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    J. Stillwell, Reverse Mathematics: Proofs from the Inside Out, Princeton University Press, Princeton, 2018, xiii + 182 pp. [REVIEW]Jeffry L. Hirst - 2018 - Bulletin of Symbolic Logic 24 (2):176-177.
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    P.j.T. Morris and O.t. Benfey (eds.): Robert Burns Woodward: Architect and artist in the world of molecules (history of modern chemical sciences series). [REVIEW]Jeffry L. Ramsey - 2003 - Foundations of Chemistry 5 (2):175-178.
  43.  62
    Hindman’s theorem, ultrafilters, and reverse mathematics.Jeffry L. Hirst - 2004 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 69 (1):65-72.
  44.  19
    Combinatorics and Graph Theory.John Harris, Jeffry L. Hirst & Michael Mossinghoff - 2008 - Springer.
    This book covers a wide variety of topics in combinatorics and graph theory.
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  45.  35
    Reverse mathematics and homeomorphic embeddings.Harvey M. Friedman & Jeffry L. Hirst - 1991 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 54 (3):229-253.
    Extrapolating from the work of Mahlo , one can prove that given any pair of countable closed totally bounded subsets of complete separable metric spaces, one subset can be homeomorphically embedded in the other. This sort of topological comparability is reminiscent of the statements concerning comparability of well orderings which Friedman has shown to be equivalent to ATR0 over the weak base system RCA0. The main result of this paper states that topological comparability is also equivalent to ATR0. In Section (...)
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  46.  29
    Denis R. Hirschfeldt. Slicing the truth: On the computable and reverse mathematics of combinatorial principles. Lecture Note Series, Institute for Mathematical Sciences, National University of Singapore, vol. 28. World Scientific Publishing Co. Pte. Ltd., Singapore, 2015, xiv+214 pp. [REVIEW]Jeffry L. Hirst - 2015 - Bulletin of Symbolic Logic 21 (3):338-339.
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  47.  83
    Ramsey’s theorem for trees: the polarized tree theorem and notions of stability. [REVIEW]Damir D. Dzhafarov, Jeffry L. Hirst & Tamara J. Lakins - 2010 - Archive for Mathematical Logic 49 (3):399-415.
    We formulate a polarized version of Ramsey’s theorem for trees. For those exponents greater than 2, both the reverse mathematics and the computability theory associated with this theorem parallel that of its linear analog. For pairs, the situation is more complex. In particular, there are many reasonable notions of stability in the tree setting, complicating the analysis of the related results.
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  48.  20
    On Mathias generic sets.Peter A. Cholak, Damir D. Dzhafarov & Jeffry L. Hirst - 2012 - In S. Barry Cooper (ed.), How the World Computes. pp. 129--138.
  49.  15
    A game of raids: Expanding on a game theoretical approach utilising the prisoner's dilemma and ethnography in situ.Emily M. L. Jeffries, Sarah E. Wright & Sheina Lew-Levy - 2024 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 47:e14.
    In this commentary, we set out the specifics of how Glowacki's game theoretical framework for the evolution of peace could be incorporated within broader cultural evolutionary approaches. We outline a formal proposal for prisoner's dilemma games investigating raid-based conflict. We also centre an ethnographic lens to understand the norms surrounding war and peace in intergroup interactions in small-scale communities.
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    Camus and the New Left.Harry Targ & Judson L. Jeffries - 2001 - Radical Philosophy Review 4 (1-2):117-134.
    This paper uses Albert Camus to provide insight into understanding the New Left from an empirical psychological perspective and a normative ethical perspective. In the process we show how Students for a Democratic Society (SDS) moved from rebels to revolutionaries.
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